TOTAL TOKENS 210,000,000 100%

GAME 126.000.000 60% Gradual unblocking over years

Staking 33.600.000 16% Gradual unblocking over years

Ecosystem 12.600.000 6% Some unlocked others blocked

Marketing 12.600.000 6% Some unlocked others blocked

Our Team 6.300.000 3% Unlocked a % over 3 years

Community 6.300.000 3% Unlocked

Tournaments 6.300.000 3% Some unlocked others blocked

Public-Sale 4.200.000 2% Unlocked

Pre-Sale 2.100.000 1% Some unlocked others blocked

Team : The Battle Robots team will only receive 3% of the tokens that will be locked and distributed until 2024. Each month, they receive a small % that is totally public. This is to make the game last as long as possible (approximate projection of 3 to 5 years).

Marketing: this reserve will be used for the exponential growth of the game, to give more visibility to the project and increase the number of users.

Token pre-sales: 2.1 million AND 4.2 million tokens are reserved for token pre-sales.

Ecosystem: Reserved for the development of the video game, payment of servers, etc.

Reserve: Reserved for giving rewards to users who do staking.

Game rewards: It is the main part, where will be the largest amount of tokens, but with measures that will make the game last much longer, you can see these measures in the section "ECONOMY".

More information soon.

Last updated